The RefDesk2.0 blog is about my experiences with new technologies and library trends. I will be tracking my progress with the 23 Things On a Stick Program, a program for individuals working in Minnesota libraries.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thing 8

eFolio Minnesota is a wonderful tool. Marketing yourself on the web is a great way to enhance a career and get a foot in the door. Plus it is free and easy to set-up and maintain. I recommend this site to most people newly graduated or job searching, in fact a friend recommended the site to me three years ago. Feel free to check out my site, I have not updated it in quite some time however

I don't use the picture sharing or social websites much, but they are all pretty user friendly and intuitive. I have used Google docs with a committee at work and was not fond of the program overall because of the formatting and we found it a challenge to keep track of editing.

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